Shapeshifter Program

Medicine of The Cosmos

⭐ I love you, I see you, and baby, I am you! 🌈

⭐ I love you, I see you, and baby, I am you! 🌈

Shapeshifting with Santos

The Shapeshifter Life Coaching Program will take you from stuck in your old patterns to learning new strategies that broaden your world view, reframing how you respond to life’s obstacles. This coaching program will provide you with a sturdy center-of-self and invaluable tools for adapting to life’s ever-changing emotional landscapes.

Shapeshifting is a Superpower

But we often think of it as a weakness.

A shapeshifter can seem like they are disingenuous or disorganized, but the highest vibration of a shapeshifter is someone who can seamlessly adapt and acclimate from one environment to the next. A healthy shapeshifter will remain in integrity and authenticity, even as they shapeshift to handle life’s changes or unexpected turns. Becoming a shapeshifter means your authentic self is always in tact, but you’re able and willing to learn new ways of being that are outside of your comfort zone in order to be a more well-rounded person. 

*Prerequisite: In order to be considered for life coaching, you must have an Astrology Reading with Santos beforehand. 

✨ Teachings Covered in Program: